Why did you start teaching?
After taking my training in 2023, I felt like a weight had been lifted off me. Learning about the true meaning of yoga, not just the poses gave me insight into myself and helped me to release past negative thoughts & helped me to embrace loving myself as a strong, vibrant woman. This made me want to help others do that as well. Being a past elementary teacher, teaching yoga just seemed like a natural next step.
What keeps you motivated?
I had total knee replacement in February of this year, so getting healthy and strong is my motivation. I want to be able to move and run through life, as I have not been able to do before- plus one day I hope to have grandkids that I will need to chase and keep up with!
What should people expect from your classes?
Having been a teacher in the past, I find myself wanting to bring some kind of learning to the practice. I have done workshops dealing with ways to help with holiday stress and getting the New Year started off with a focus word. We had a yoga practice and then had time for self-reflection and learned some different strategies to navigate both times of the year. With my weekly class Stretch & Flexibility, we will practice basic stretch moves. Great for beginners or anyone who has not been to yoga before. It is a very gentle class with lots of cues, props, and adaptations to help you feel comfortable.
What do you love about the studio?
The first time I visited the studio as a student, I was instantly embraced with love. During YTT, the love and support I felt by all instructors and my class cohort was amazing. They really helped me navigate a difficult personal situation. When I was off for my knee replacement, I came to the studio just to sit sometimes because it just feels like home- an uplifting energy for the soul.